23 September 2013

Monday Monday

The delivery has finally arrived and I now have 6000 keyrings taking up most of any available storage space we have.

I spend time doing the day to day running of the business in my office, which consists of the front room, a laptop, a Roberts digital radio (that I steal whenever I can, even though I actually bought it as a present for my partner!), three in-trays, two pretty coloured filing boxes, an array of pens and a free mouse mat and mug that, sadly, are bright green and were presented to me in a triumphant manner by my son who had got them from a trade fair!

In the hallway I have painted an old dresser in lovely Farrow & Ball colours and have arranged my keyrings in gift bags (which were an expensive mistake, as I forgot to add on P&P when ordering from China, making them no cheaper than the UK at all – lesson learnt!) and various displays. I’m learning lessons all of the time and I've now become obsessed with different types of packaging, in my attempts to make the product appeal to a range of potential audiences. For instance, I feel that gift shop owners prefer the product displayed in an open manner, before being gift wrapped beautifully, something which is difficult on a budget, though I have found that I can use a pillow shaped packaging for the product. The jury is therefore out as to whether the clam shell shape I currently have will be viable for the long term.


The company’s expenditure continues to pour out for things such as Intellectual Protection, a Royal Mail PO box and insurance, however I am determined to put every penny earned from sales away so I can attend a Spring Fair in 2014.

Last week I had some great news, I have been accepted on a high end design led online retail site, so I have had some different product photographs taken with a lovely young girl who is starting her own photography business @LDK_Photograpy. She is enthusiastic, turns her work around promptly and professionally and I'm sure she will do well.

Hopefully by the end of the week I will have decided what to upload for the profile area of the retail site and written all the information necessary. I feel it is very important to present yourself well on all forms of social media. Even though I have not found it easy, I believe that it is something you leave at your peril and I will persevere and learn as I go on. It is also a great way of obtaining free advertising so tweet on!

Meanwhile life goes on as normal, I work part time and family tasks never end. I will continue to juggle in order to get my business off the ground. 

20 September 2013

In The Beginning

The big delivery!

My story of the entrepreneurial peg started around 2006. I have always wanted to come up with a new idea for a product and follow that through from initial design to manufacture, marketing and selling.

So when I reached my mid-forties and my sons were growing up I felt that after fifteen years of being a stay at  home mum it was the right time to follow my dream.

I never knew that it would be such a small everyday object or where the journey would lead me. At times it has been complicated, expensive, all consuming and sheer frustrating but this blog charts the beginning of the second part of my journey into the big wide world after receiving my new product in the country, launching my website and social media sites and starting the process of bringing to market and selling Keasekeyring my product.